Andreev A. (Pekelis E.M.) Gregorian Chant (in russian)

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The second part of a three-part study in four books, Towards a History of European Musical Intonation, is devoted to the Gregorian chorale. It continues the study of European musical culture as a single organism within the circle of the main positions outlined in Part One.
The chorale is considered not as a chronological first-born only, but as an intonational foundation of European musical culture, which conditioned, directly or inversely, its further evolution. From this position - substantiated in Chapter Two of this Part - the stylistic organism of the chorale is consistently studied in all its main aspects. First edition - M.: Musica, 2004.

The work is addressed to the reader interested in the essential problematics of the nature and inner biography of European musical culture.
Catalogue Number : 29974
ISBN: 978-5-901951-51-4