Основанные на вокальных партитурах Barenreiter, три тома вокальных сочинений содержат как самые известные арии Генделя для меццо-сопрано/контральто, тенора и баса, так и малоизвестные сочинения не менее высокого музыкального качества. Это сочинения за почти тридцатилетний период работы Генделя как оперного композитора в Лондоне. Они дают представление о разнообразии обширного репертуара его опер. Арии имеют различную степень технических трудностей и в основном представлены с предшествующим им речитативом, а в некоторых случаях и в контексте всей сцены. Арии появляются в хронологическом порядке опер. Предисловие Дональда Барроуза содержит детальное описание генделевских певцов и каждой оперной арии.
- На основе Уртекста вокальных партитур Генделя от Halle Handel Edition
- Подробное предисловие (Eng/Ger) известного исследователя творчества Генделя Дональда Барроу
- Перевод текстов арий (Eng/Ger)
Aria Texts/Arientexte
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Con la strage de' nemici" (Tiridate, "Radamisto")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Dal fulgor di questa spada" (Achilla, "Giulio Cesare in Egitto")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Di Cupido impiego i vanni" (Garibaldo, "Rodelinda, Regina de' Longobardi")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Ti vedro regnar sul trono" (Isacio, "Riccardo primo, Re d'Inghilterra")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Nel mondo e nell'abisso" (Isacio, "Riccardo primo, Re d'Inghilterra")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Aria "Se il mar promette calma" (Clodomiro, "Lotario")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Accompagnato "Folle e colui - Aria Nasce al bosco" (Varo, "Ezio")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo - Sinfonia - Recitativo - Aria "Lascia Amor" (Zoroastro, "Orlando")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Tra caligini profonde" (Zoroastro, "Orlando")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Accompagnato "O voi, del mio poter ministri eletti - Recitativo ed Aria Sorge infausta una procella" (Zoroastro, "Orlando")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Voli colla sua tromba" (Re, "Ariodante")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Aria "Invida sorte avara" (Re, "Ariodante")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Al sen ti stringo, e parto" (Re, "Ariodante")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Accompagnato "Me infelice" - Aria "Del mio caro Bacco amabile" (Elviro, "Serse")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Aria "Sull'arena di barbara scena" (Argenio, "Imeneo")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Arietta "Degno piu di tua belta" (Fenice, "Deidamia")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Nelle nubi intorno al fato" (Licomede, "Deidamia")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier
Composer / Author: Handel, Georg Friedrich
Recitativo ed Aria "Nel riposo e nel contento" (Licomede, "Deidamia")
Includes the following individual parts: Bass solo, Klavier